California Supreme Court Upholds Same-Sex Marriage Ban
I am disappointed in people.
If your religious convictions are so strong that you would rather deny a right given to you to others, then you are not a person I want by my side.
I will speak to Christians now:
Your faith dictates that homosexuality is wrong. In the bible, it only states homosexual sexual contact is wrong, but that love between members of the same gender is not only okay, but encouraged. "Love thy neighbor..."
In addition, granting marriages to homosexuals has nothing to do with sex, and definitely nothing to do with lust. People, straight, gay and bisexual are already having sex, so keeping them from marrying isn’t going to stop that. It's an issue of love.
These people want a given right to equality.
Why do you care? What is it to you? They want to enjoy the same legal right and legal recognition of your love that you now have. They don’t want to take away yours. They don’t want anything from you.
Why would homosexuals marrying have any effect on you at all?
Here's a hint: It wouldn't.
A larger issue now, is that our laws actually support the marginalization of homosexuals. California state law (among others) support gays being second class citizens. This is the problem with voting on human rights issues.
In the 1850s, if there was a proposition that said “Are you for the abolition of slavery?” It would have been defeated easily and swiftly, and I would be in manacles still today.
This boils down to the debate of Vox Populi v Vox Dei or The will of the people v What is right (The will of God)
Just because the "Will of the People" (majority rules) is something heinous and disgusting, does not make it right, nor should it be allowed. This is one reason we have judicial oversight in our government. However here, the system failed. The oversight did not help the minority, and thus Vox Dei failed.
What does that say about the law? What does that say about us?
How can we have a state constitution that actually denies equal rights, just because the majority thinks so? Who can be the voice of the voiceless if both the legislative branch and judicial branch works against them?
When both the people and the law support injustice, it's time to examine both.
When Humankind learns to be both human and kind, we can all coexist.