Thursday, July 16, 2009

the screwed-up-idness of the American financial system.

First, let me start out by saying that since the great Cr. Hunter S. Thompson (peace be upon him) passed by a self inflicted shotgun vblast to the face, i have not made a habit of reading the Liberal Shill that is rolling stone. This is the mag that had Obama on its cover ... god knows how many times during the election often imaged almost as a god. I happened across this article as I checked out one of my regular Net hangouts, Fazed. It is a great piece of investigative journalism, but it misses a few of the important points. I found it interesting for one that this article only found its way to the pages of Rolling Stone when they found a way to pin the economic crisis and bailout on the Republicans. There too is blood on the hands of the Dems. Obama signed bailouts and the Omnibus spending bill that was INCREDIBLY overinflated and beyond the imagination. It is the Liberals (both Ds and Rs" that give the power to make these bubbles and give bailouts to companies. The power to make these mistakes should have never have been intrusted to the federal government and now that they have claimed it will difficult to take it away. The federal government no longer likes to be limited the way it did before FDR and Wilson. If anyone needs a lesson in how bubbles are made see below.

If you want to make a great stride in fixing the drastic economic problems in this country we have to make drastic measures. We MUST end the income tax and cut spending. We Must take away the federal governments blank check to companies. For gods sakes Goldman Sach is not doing better than ever without the bailout money. We MUST END THE FED. allow the god made organic markets to do their job. We must stop interfering in the natural laws of the world. Liberals get that when it comes to global warming but miss it ompletely when it comes to economics. Take a nap on this one Stan. We all know economics is not your strong suit.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yes I'm late so what of it

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !!! Spend some time today thinking of the wonder and glory that is liberty and don't forget, liberty comes at the cost of those willing to stand and fight for it. Whether the enemy of freedom is across the seas or right here at home, pay respect to all those who fight with their hands, wits, and words.

My Hero

The war against the war on drugs has found a new hero, whether he knows it or not. A student was asked to give a persuasive speech and he did. About marijuana. He finished the speech by pulling out a joint, smoking it, and eating the remains. He was eventually charged with suspicion of possession of a controlled substance. Thirty kids in a room watched him smoke it and they got him for suspicion... Hopefully this kid has some idea what he's doing unlike the last high school student with a meaningful pro-drug message...

States like California, Oregon, and Washington are beginning to discuss thinking about their marijuana policies. That's a long way from actual change, but with New Hampshire passing a medical marijuana bill, hopefully not too long. There is a movement in politics, has been for a very long time, that the government is supposed to protect you from everything that is wrong in the world. Sorry folks, that's what your parents and church are for. If a person wants to sit in his living room and hit a doobie, the government should take their tax cut and be done with the matter. Unfortunately, some of the best activists for the cause, as discussed and pictured above, will probably lose interest and lie around the house eating cheetos instead of doing anything productive.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What'd He Just Say?

Please read the linked article, I'll wait. It's pretty important. I mean this. Have you read it? Good.

Joe Biden said that we won't stop Israel from attacking Iran. Syria has even said that they won't notice if Israeli war jets fly through their airspace. Iran has already countered as saying that they'll defend themselves like they always said they would.

ISRAEL HAS NUKES! I know they say they don't and we say they don't but they do. In case you hadn't noticed, there are a lot of little countries in that region that don't like each other very much. If it hits the fan between Israel and Iran, how bad do you think it will get? I think it will get pretty bad. Hopefully we'll stay out of it, even though Israel is an ally of ours, because otherwise Russia will get into it, they're an ally of Iran. It could very quickly escalate into a major conflict the likes of which the world has never seen, or it could fizzle out because Joe Biden was just talking to hear himself talk and the Israelis and Iranians are just making the same noise they've made for a few hundred years. It could go either way. Which way do you think it will go?

UPDATE: The State Department has since come out saying that Joe Biden's statements are not a 'green light' for Israel to bomb Iran. Thank goodness. Still, answer the questions because they are going to apply for a long time.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Today we remember the wonderful events of July 4th, 1776: when the Christians came across on three boats sailed by a Spanish guy who was bringing them here so that they could defeat the heathen natives with the power of the Bible, and turkey and dressing.

Moving on to real history....

The real reason that those brave men signed the Declaration of Independence was that they were being taxed without being asked what should be taxed or what the tax money should be spent on. To be sure, the colonists were more than happy to pay taxes to the crown, they'd been doing it for 200 years. Without true representation though, they said that they weren't going to tolerate their money being taken from them anymore.

Let's look at the title of the document they signed 233 years ago. The Declaration of Independence. It wasn't a non-binding agreement sent from Congress to the President, it wasn't a UN resolution, it wasn't even a nice letter asking for some representation in the House of Commons (British Congress a.k.a. Parliament). These gentlemen didn't ask anyone for permission to be independent. They TOOK it. We STOLE our own country away from the hands of oppressors who were taking our money and spending it how they wanted without asking us what was proper.

We now find ourselves in a time when our government raises taxes without asking, spends taxes on programs no citizen votes on, and propogates a class of politician in which your only real choice is between a douchebag and a turd sandwich (thanks South Park). We must sign our own declaration in this day and age. We must DECLARE that we are tired of our government acting like our god and our politicians like our masters. We must declare that we are INDEPENDENT from our leaders and that we, as individuals, can make it or lose it on our own and that the only thing that government can do is get in our way. On this day we must remember what actually happened in Philadelphia in 1776: men put it all on the line because they believed the words that were uttered by Patrick Henry the year before, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Here's another fine speech about independence.