I'm going to break from my usual posting style. I'm not going to quote very much. I'm going to shoot from the hip a little bit. I would like to say that I am glad that the Supreme Court realized that they were making a decision about the right of a group of people to peacefully say what they thought needed to be said and didn't undermine the strength of the first amendment of our Constitution. As much as it pains me to say, they made the right call and the people of the Westboro Baptist Church are allowed to their opinion. By the way, if you're not familiar with that particular church, you can read their message at http://www.godhatesfags.com I promise that is their real website. You can also see it on signs.
The point of this post isn't to discuss the merits of their message. I would merely like to say that it would be nice if people used the first amendment the way it was actually intended to be used. It would be nice if people would gather peaceably and discuss things that actually matter. I was just watching the Daily Show and the topic of major discussion was the rally against teachers in the Midwest. Not to even get into that whole mess, it deserves its own post, I think we need to spend our first amendment right to free speech to talk about the issue at hand. The issue isn't are teachers paid too much. The issue isn't that they only work 9 months a year. The issue isn't what kind of benefits they have. The issue is whether or not it is the government's job to educate our young people. Please comment and let me know what you think, I'm interested to hear.
The issue isn't where we should have our troops. The issue isn't who we have alliances with. The issue is do we want to be the world's police.
The issue isn't the rising cost of healthcare. The issue isn't the raiding of the Social Security account for bailouts or wars. The issue is how to deal with an aging population.
The issue isn't a black man in office. The issue isn't the Republican party splitting in half between the conservative and the more conservative. The issue isn't how much money is spent on lobbying. The issue is how to make government accountable and efficient in the 21st century.
Everyone is so busy bickering over tangential points that they don't take the time to realize what they should even really be talking about. Obviously if someone thinks Obama is a Muslim I won't be able to change his or her mind. I don't think that anybody should even begin to talk to Birthers about schools in Indonesia. Talk about stuff that matters: like whether or not free speech is so important as a principle that even God-fearing fag-haters are allowed to thank Him for dead soldiers in public near the mourning families of homosexuals and soldiers.
Are you ready to free yourself from the noise and start to speak about what matters?