Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's Electric!

Steve Beshear has decided that electric cars should be used on roads that have speed limits of 45 mph or less. I know he's doing it to try to encourage an electric motor car company to bring its plant here, which is wonderful, but there is a vastly more important side-effect. If we are able to start using electric vehicles such as golf carts (quick example) on city streets instead of gas-fueled cars, just think of the environmental benefit in a city such as Pikeville. Not only would traffic and noise decrease, but so would smog. I suppose the most realistic application of this phenomena is to have police drive around town in such vehicles to lower fuel costs for the city and reduce emissions from government employees. We could also think about getting an electric shuttle to run from the parking garage to a loop around town so that people would feel more comfortable parking in that facility instead of vying for spots on the street. It's a small step, but that's what we need. We can't find the one answer to everything and think that it will be implemented immediately unless we take a bunch of smaller steps to get prepared for it. Also, after taking many small steps I think we will all be surprised how far we get before the big step is discovered and, perhaps by then, unnecessary.

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