Monday, May 26, 2008

In Memorium

Today is Memorial Day. When I was younger it only meant a three day weekend a couple weeks before school let out. Now, however, it has taken on a different meaning.

Most people think of Memorial Day as a time to honor those men and women who have died in military service to this country, but I think we can take it a step farther.

This year, when I stand in unity with millions of others during the National Time of Silence at 3 p.m., I will be remembering the family members that I have lost and the friends I no longer have contact with.

I will also be thinking about the countless thousands of soldiers who have given their lives proudly defending the freedoms that I have. In a time when political discourse becomes loud and sometimes violent and discussions about our military actions abroad are incensed, we often forget that the people wearing uniforms chose to serve in a way that few are courageous enough to.

I, too, have friends in the military. In fact, one of my best friends from high school just got back from his tour in Iraq. I can not, and will not try, to imagine the horrible things he has seen in a combat zone. We can't agree on anything politically, but I will always respect him for sacrificing his time for this country.

The next time you are watching a sporting event, even on television, I ask you to do me a favor. When the announcer asks the audience to rise for the singing of the national anthem, stand up. I don't know if anybody else knows soldiers, but I know that I will be standing up because it is the least I can do to recognize Stan's efforts. It is the least I can do to let those around me know that I am proud to be an American.

If we remember why the troops died and not just that they died, I think Memorial Day services will mean more to all of us. I am not a fan of the conflict in Iraq, but on this day it doesn't matter. I don't like that George Bush sent more than 3,000 men and women my age to their deaths. Those people chose to go and because of that I will remember them with pride. They signed a paper stating that not only did they believe in this country, but that they were willing to fight and die for this country. I think we can focus on them instead of Paris Hilton for one day.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Swing and a miss

Russia's Communist Party is pissed off because the villain in the new Indiana Jones movie is Communists. I don't have a problem with them being mad if the aim of the film were to actually be an anticommunist propaganda piece. They should have watched the first three movies. It doesn't show the Nazis in a positive light at all. But it doesn't have to. It's not a historical move, it's a fantasy. The Lost Ark of the Covenant, Fortune and Glory, the Holy Grail, and inter-dimensional beings? I'm glad that Indiana Jones is realistic. He actually didn't make any claims about the evils of communism at all. (Brief note: I don't think communism is evil) A very common theme in the first three was how evil the Nazis were. The negative light shown on Communism in the newest film is actually a portrayal of the atmosphere of fear-mongering in mid-50's America. Indy couldn't even make any snide remarks about the so-called leader of the Communist leader, Stalin, because he died four years before the movie was set.

Why can't people just let a movie be a movie?

Friday, May 23, 2008

John Williams is rolling over in his grave

I just saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Great movie. Go see it. Why are you still reading this? Anyway, I got home and looked at Youtube and this guy's video popped up, and it wasn't alone. he has done parodies of all of the great movie themes. They're hilarious.

One for the money, two for the show

For only the second time in the almost eight years of George W. Bush's presidency, Congress has overridden his veto. Did they override his veto on a budget? Perhaps on a piece of crime legislation? No. They made sure that they passed a farm bill. But progress is progress, so I won't complain. To top things off, a Minnesotan fronted the bill. Go Gophers.

For those interested, click on the title of this post and read the article from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune.