This is probably the only time that I am going to say that John McCain could be an agent for change if he is elected. The tone of the article is that Obama will change relations between the United States and Cuba and that John McCain will not. I buy fully into the John McCain=John McSame campaign, but in this particular matter the point is moot. If Barack Obama is elected his campaign has said that he will change policies to try and improve relations and the general quality of life in Cuba, which sounds really great to Cuban-American voters. If John McCain is elected his campaign has said that it will pretty much stay the way it has been for the last 46 years.
The reason that this is a moot point is that we aren't the only interested parties. I'm not going to discuss all the changes possible if Barack is elected because 'everyone' agrees that change will occur. If John is elected we could see the most important events in foreign policy since the Fall of '62. McCain will not change the policy towards Cuba but Cuba is far different than it used to be. Raul is not his brother and we have yet to see exactly what that means for the island nation but we will see objective identifiable change in the coming months. McCain is also ramping up his oral belligerence towards Russia. I seem to recall Russia being a major ally of Cuba. Since we have already signed up to put a missile defense system in Poland, it wouldn't surprise me greatly if McCain sees missile installments get put in Cuba. Russia can say that they are using the installments as purely defensive in nature and that they are aimed at Central America or northern parts of South America. It worked for us in Poland. If McCain is elected then I foresee Cuba becoming an even bigger supporter of Russia and Communism as well as a bigger antagonist towards the US. If Obama is elected it could go either way depending on which way he wants to go and how well he enacts it and how well it is received.
If we are at all interested in not seeing Russian missiles within range of the entire South and D.C. then we need to proactively remove the trade barrier set up around Cuba. We need to open serious discussions to improve relations between the US and Cuba. We need to address our immigration policy to allow for a new flow of immigrants and also deal with the illegal ons we have now. We need to Work to bring Cuba into NATO before Georgia or the Ukraine, since that move would annoy Russia but not seriously threaten it. We need to dump our pride at our border and remember that we aren't the only country in the world.
I didn't really want to make a new blog about this since I just talked about it yesterday. But in today's BBC ( they had an article stating that Cuba is renewing talks with the EU and that the EU is removing their sanctions against Cuba. Sounds like what I said we need to do, but I guess we don't like to follow European trends... except democracy, a bill of rights, colonialism, fashion, food, literature...