Friday, October 3, 2008


Parental advisory: bad language in the provided link. Once you've read the comic, go to Gamer Grub's website and click on the different varieties of the snack. It's trail mix!!! It's nothing new. It is just a different packaging for trail mix for people who don't walk on trails. They are missing the point of gamer snacking. That's why many nerds are starting to become more fit. With the rise of pc gaming (I mean mmorpg's that involve the entire keyboard) we are seeing fewer gamers who train themselves to eat and play at the same time. When I was a growing gamer, I would have a box of Cheez-its in one hand and a two liter of Mountain Dew in the other and I would proudly do my best to munch down a few carbs during a save point. I would slurp a few gulps of nectar while the announcer would count down time before the fight started. It used to be a conversation piece to describe to other nerds just how much you could do while you gamed. Even when I played an MMO, I maintained my eating regimen. Sure my keyboard got crumbs in it, that 's why they make keyboard cleaners. I'm not asking for anything much, really. I know that the business industry is trying to get as much money as they can out of nerds. Kudos to them. Unfortunately, new packaging means higher costs and nerds spend more on games than on snacks. Sorry old white guys who know nothing about gaming. We need the old nerds to teach young nerds how to effectively game and bring back the full box of Cheez-its and two liter of Mountain Dew. We need to stand up for ourselves and not be pandered to. We need to... man I'm tired, anybody got some Gamer Grub?

Tee hee! Seriously though, jerks, leave me alone. I snack just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Wait wait wait...Maybe I'm confused..does this mean you are for gaming and snacking..or against it? I personally eat bananas, apples, and protein shakes while I play World of Warcraft. Snacking that may be, but it's a step in the right direction. i say we teach the younger gamers (since childhood obesity is now becoming an epidemic)to drink milk instead of soda and eat fruit instead of high carbed snacks. Yes, i know, i am shunning my roots of LAN parties laden with pizza and Dr.Pepper, but I think a healthier America would be a happier one.
