Over the last 232 years this nation has taken a tremendous turn. We were once a nation of ideals and personal responsibility. Freedom was the word on the lips of every citizen and liberty was the ultimate value. Now, with every passing day, we turn away from those ideals and values. We are a nation who exists only to fear, obey, and consume. The catalyst for our war for independence was essentially a 3% tax on paper goods. Now, we never even see nearly 33% of the money we earn. On top of this everything from gas to death is taxed. With our citizens being choked to death by taxes, we are still nearly 11 TRILLION dollars in debt. Our extravagant spending habits must be curtailed. We MUST get this nation back on track before we are completely owned by the Chinese. We are basically slaves for 4 months of the year to pay the bill to oppress Arabs, limit freedoms here in the US, and give your money to those who are in their 4th generation of people who have never worked.
In order to get our nation back on track there are sacrifices that must be made. ONE OF THEM IS NOT FREEDOM. If we make these changes we will see more prosperity and security than can ever be desired. WE MUST:
1. End the income tax. We must end slavery in America and choke out the spending power of the federal government.
2. Bring home our troops. Not only from Iraq, Iran and Syria but from all the 130 nations where they are currently exploited.
3. End the war on drugs. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR SMOKING POT?!?! In order to be free people we must own our own bodies. I have to have the ability to abuse and poison my body to be free. Government intervention in this issue does nothing but take away your freedom and exacerbate the drug problem.
4. End social welfare. Jesus died for preaching that we should love and help each other, especially the poor. Now, we have given that responsibility away to the government and they are doing a terrible job. Welfare programs do nothing but breed crime and ignorance. If kids are working they aren't joining gangs.
5. We must never again interfere in other nations' issues. When we give large amounts of military and economic aid to other nations we hurt them far more help them. We destroy their economies and enter into entangling alliances that have never worked for us in the past.
6. We must end fiat money. We need commodity based currency so that we aren't destroyed by inflation. Currently the dollar trades internationally at record lows. This raises the price of all imported goods. Currently gas prices are so high because we have oil barons running the country and it takes far more dollars to pay the same cost internationally. If the value of the dollar is high it takes less dollars to buy oil from foreign countries and the price domestically drops.
7. Stop Public Education. When schools have to compete, educational values go up. Since the federal government put its filthy hands in the education of our children, The quality of education in this country has dropped significantly. Those who make it to college these days will see that people are functionally illiterate at best. Public education is no longer about educating the children and has become about teaching a test and portfolio so that schools can get a bigger budget and more sports arenas.
WE THE PEOPLE must stand united to fight the eternal fight for freedom. Prosperity will follow as a natural effect of liberty. Look at history. When we traded freely with all nations and kept our military here for defense our nation became a superpower. Now that the government has its hand in every aspect of society, we cannot even pay our bills and we have great enemies that threaten us at every turn. It would be great if government could make everything perfect, but we all know this isn't the case. We must take care of our own to keep Uncle Sam out of our lives and pockets.
I agree with you on everything, except, the drug policy. I am for a free America, but alcohol has tarnished our countries image so much that allowing marijuana and cocaine to be legalized would throw some over the edge, especially since the fact that it's incredibly illegal (the cocaine I mean) makes it a large deterrent for everybody. I mean, let's pretend it is legalized and I have children. Kids like to experiment at around 15-19, this is no secret, but to experiment with a veritable nerve-agent like cocaine could destroy my child's future, um, forever. The reason why I wouldn't worry about that now is because it is so illegal a drug and so hard to get your hands on, that small time dealers won't even touch the stuff. So, maybe there is a good REASON why drugs are still illegal. Some people still drink and drive and those people need to be shot in the arm. Anyone that gets high and drives needs to be shot in the face for being so inconsiderate. And getting cracked-up and driving...the thought scares me. I know you want a reasonable America where everyone should be allowed to do drugs if only in the privacy of their own home, but unfortunately we live in a world full of proverbial jackasses and that will never happen.
ReplyDeleteAs for the gas price rant, nice as it was, your about 4 months too late on that one. Not to say they won't go back up, but this is the lowest gas has been in five or six years. We are sitting almost pretty at $1.83 here in Fairborn and $1.75 in Cincinnati. Besides, the reason for the gas price drop is because the share holders of big oil so the economy in turmoil and sold up a ton of stock while the gettin' was good. Kind-of a double-edge sword, neh?
I completely agree with you on bringing our troops home...except we don't have them stationed in 130 countries, and if we did (you know, a soldier just HAPPENS to be in Uzbekistan) not all of them are for combat arms reasons. No, the troop levels are about 13 countries for combat/combat potential (Korea) reasons.
I especially agree with you on the income tax bit. I hear you technically don't have to pay it, neither, but that comes with a bunch of court cases and a whole lot a ticker tape.
Otherwise, good show, old bean!