Saturday, November 8, 2008

Slow Your Roll

The writer of this opinion needs to slow his roll. He's telling Obama to increase the size of the government and get really progressive. There's a difference between progressive and big government. This other article makes an argument that conservative isn't just the Religious Right. Same principle, other side. There are ways to make the society more progressive and socially liberal minded without increasing taxes or spending or regulation. Now that we are starting to see the major differences in party membership it is especially important for people of our generation to buck off the two-party trend of our ancestry and start fresh. There should be at least five major national parties (I'll even keep some of the common names): Democrats- big government, socially liberal; Republicans- big government, socially conservative; Libertarians- small government, socially liberal; Conservatives- small government, socially conservative; and Centrists- do I need to explain? There are a lot of people who don't really care about politics that would do well to vote for Centrist Party members. Heck, they might even have a majority in Congress. It might help avoid the dramatic swing of the two parties.

By having those five basic parties people can become more closely aligned to other members of their party. Right now I am a registered Democrat and I am grouped in with a lot of big governmment nuts. (You're not really nuts) I would convert to the Libertarian Party but third party members don't get elected right now. I think the United States and Britain are the only democracies in the world with two parties. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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