Thursday, November 6, 2008

An Exception

I don't normally like to comment on other people's opinions, but I had to this time. Please read the article, it's really short.


How dumb is this lady? Hillary Clinton is more qualified than any Bush Secretary except Condaleeza Rice and is more than capable of taking any cabinet post except Secretary of Defense (in my opinion).

Secretary of Health and Human Services... does anyone remember that whole healthcare plan that everyone loved Hillary for.

Secretary of State... she does know a lot of foreign heads of state and she was hanging around her husband an awful lot on those overseas trips.

Secretary of Education... who doesn't like helping kids learn how to read good. Even if the building is barely big enough for ants. Thanks, Derek.

Those are the three I think she'd be really good at, but she certainly has the intelligence and ability to be able to give Barack good advice in any of the others. A cabinet post is always better than a cupboard stub.

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