Michael Phelps made news this week for the wrong reasons. After his previously unimaginable run at an armful of gold medals, he had a photo taken at a party of him taking a hit from a bong. Suddenly people are ready to condemn him and he has to apologize to save face.
Why? Marijuana is relatively harmless, in fact less harmful than alcohol according to almost any independent study, and far less harmful than regular tobacco cigarettes.
This example is just another example of the
The major question is why is the government keeping activities illegal where there is no victim? Where is the victim in marijuana? Where is the victim in regulated prostitution?
Could you imagine how well the economy would skyrocket if there were marijuana companies, similar to all the alcohol and tobacco companies now? What about if someone had a bad day at work and could drop a c-note for a prostitute at his local brothel? And add to that the government giving out licenses for registered prostitutes, and the money they would have to spend on regular examinations to keep their status.
All around, a lot more money would be changing hands, which would help out everyone. Added to the fact that we would save money by not having to prosecute the vast majority of non-violent drug offenders, most of which deal exclusively with marijuana. While unlicensed prostitution would still be prosecuted, it would still cut down on the spread of diseases if prostitutes were handled nationally the same way they are in
The economy benefits, and the citizens benefit.
The unusual thing about these laws is it’s the government trying to protect citizens from themselves, but no one is being hurt – except by the laws themselves.
Not bad new guy. I will draw attention to a few points on this issue as well. I don't thing that the aim of the federal government is to protect citizens from themselves. Rather, I think their intent is to gain as much power and money as they possibly can. How does property forfeiture protect the people from themselves? What it does is bring billions every year into the hands of the federal government and out of the marketplace. Think about the effect this has on the economy. Also, I am not comfortable with the statement about governing morality v. ethics. I see what your getting at, but I would rather they legislate only that which directly protects the freedoms of American citizens whether they use this freedom for good or ill. Maybe try legislating logic? Nice to have you here.
ReplyDeleteSure, marijuana doesn't ruin lives and you know, Michael Phelps isn't a NATIONAL ICON or anything like that, so breaking the law is perfectly acceptable, right.
ReplyDelete"Jimmy? My word, you're only 12 years old, why are you smoking a joint"
"Michael Phelps does it and he won 8 gold medals! I should be ok."
"Well, ok Jim my man. Just don't let the police catch you, ok?"
As for the legalization of prostitution and marijuana....yeah...I just imagined the entirety of the world looking like Las Vegas, Nevada. It wasn't a pretty thought. Laziness would be up, the unexpected pregnancy rate would sky-rocket (inevitably.
I mean, fu**, is nothing morally and ethically acceptable in that world anymore? Why is marijuana still illegal? Cause it fu**s you mind up, just like alcohol and even some (but no where near as many) cigarette smokers. I am sure you have met a pot smoker once or twice in your life, habitual or not. I always notice that the moment they go clean is the moment they start succeeding in life. So the last thing the world needs is a drunken,hopped up moron driving on the road or making high end decisions.
Yeah know why prostitution is illegal? Well, if (or maybe you already do) have a daughter, you will see that her legally haveing sex with a man for money may raise an eyebrow or three (not a typo).
I have said these things for years. Not that I am a fan of cigarettes, alcohol, pot, or prostitution in general... I just don't see any point in attacking pot use while supporting cigarettes and alcohol. All or nothing. I don't smoke or drink at all, and I'm for legalization. That should tell you something right there. And since prostitution happens whether we like it or not, legalizing it would mean it could be regulated and that the people who engage in it could be protected from violence, other abuses, and disease, as well as being enrolled in social security earnings in the event something would happen to them. Really, the "war on drugs" in general has been a catastrophic failure. It's time for new tactics, especially considering how some thugs use drugs to entice or enslave prostitutes in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI think that it's amazing that we can hold someone that doesn't enforce such laws, yet we hire police officers who admit to smoking pot, vote a president into office that did cocaine, and avidly support shows like intervention(a big how-to). What Michael Phelps does in his off time is none of my business, and if it's because he has fans, then people need to be more careful about who they worship, don't punish the guy on the pedestal, it's time for the world to get a reality check. The guy is just human.
ReplyDeleteIf i do not own my body in the eyes of the law, then i am not free. If i own my body, then i can out in it and do with it whatever i want. Not to mention that the destroyed lives and problems associated with pot are not caused by pot they are caused by pot prohibition. Also, Stan, if you are going to make bold statement about the future, please back it up with some sort of evidence. Study after study and case after case, legal pot and prostitution have little or no effect on things like drug addiction, pregnancy rates, increased disease. As a matter of fact Amsterdam saw a decrease in drug addiction and VD when pot and prostitution was legalized. Take some time, read, study, THEN form an opinion. don't just regurgitate the BS propaganda you have heard. Think for yourself for god's sakes. or do you want us all to give thinking up to the government as well?
ReplyDeleteHERE HERE LISA!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I have seen pot destroy potentially great lives. It's called life-lessons, something you don't necessarily have to read about.
ReplyDeleteFact is, Micheal Phelps broke the law. He knew he was breaking the law and it was a relatively easy one to follow. He has fame, fortune, a great athletic career...why even consider doing a THC-laden DRUG? To escape from the pressures of being an inspiration to others? HA!
Understand this, ummm, LibertyHound. Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, crack, whatever, they are drugs. Dangerous ones. And yes, they can make you incredibly stupid, and ca ruin your life, legal or not. You want proof marijuana is dangerous? Look it up. I can post thousands of links about it, but why bother. Alcohol is (unfortunately) legal and that fu**s up lives on a daily basis. Now marijuana AND alcohol should be legal. Well that's exactly what we need in this country, eh?
Tell me, how many homeless people do you see homeless and/because of drinking? How many college and high school dropouts have you seen because they started getting into drugs, with marijuana to start? The stuff causes hallucinations, paranoia, slight dementia, and (of every SINGLE PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN SMOKE IT) can make you so ridiculously stupid and lazy, you don't function correct as a member of society.
Point in case, whether it should be a law or not, it is. Phelps broke it. Purposefully. Give that man the book, he n=knew what he was getting into when he hit the bong. He truly pulled a Phelps.
We tried alcohol prohibition once before and it nearly destroyed the country. Drug prohibition id the root of all major crime in this country. I was a smoker for over a decade of my life and i never once had any hallucinations, paranoia, slight dementia, I have an IQ of 141, I blog on here, work a full time job, I am taking 18 credit hours this semester and THC is a stimulant! There is no evidence that marijuana causes any of the things you describe. On top of that, Legalization keeps it out of the hands of children and regulates it so in the end less people smoke it. If you really want to decrease the damage done by drugs LEGALIZE THEM!!!
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, unjust laws should be broken. That is how they stop being laws. Interracial marriage was once illegal, slavery was legal, Morality doesn't come from the government, STAN. In fact a good government is secular and amoral. It is not the government job to protect me from myself. Your fascism is not welcome in my land of liberty and if i remember correctly we spent war after war killing statists like you and maybe if we are going to fight wars they should be against oppressive governments here at home and I will lead the charge against anyone who wishes to attack my freedom to do what i will with my own god given body and my own god given freedom. I will carry the flag and remember what the apostle Paul, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."—2 Corinthians 3:17.
As for not functioning in society, your liberal saints Bill Clinton and Al Gore were daily smokers and i think they functioned pretty well in society. The ex Prime minister of Canada was an admitted daily smoker, my Dr. is a daily smoker and maintains a charity organization, hospital rounds, and a family practice. HOW IS THAT NOT FUNCTIONING IN SOCIETY. You ignorance on this subject is almost understandable but your willful denial of the truth and outspoken ignorance is never okay. If you don't know what your talking about sit quietly in the back and listen. Maybe, just maybe, you will learn something.
And another thing ... Caffeine is more addictive and less harmful than TCH I bet you stay up all night chugging MT. Dew don't you Stan. Also, milk contains tranquilizers and so does turkey. Should we make those illegal too. Or maybe we should have to ask our Dr for our dairy products and our thanksgiving dinner. Prohibition is completely ridiculous. You probably supported making Trans fats illegal. Bananas contain trace amounts of hallucinogens. do we get rid of those. where is the personal responsibility? when do we stop protecting the idiots that get hooked on drugs and cant handle it? Legalize, tax, regulate.
ReplyDeleteYou, good sir, have thrown the gauntlet of insult, thus I will strike back.
ReplyDelete#1: I bet only one of us that even comments on this desolate blog has actually served in the military, so don't come at me with undoing freedom when you have never worn a uniform to allegedly defend it. In that respect, epic fail.
#2. Never touched Mountain Dew, not in years. And yeah, drugs overall can mess up ones life, legal or not. You never denied alcohol can do it. I noticed you put the comment "WAS A SMOKER". Tell, me, hypocrite, why did you quit? A myriad of reasons, and I am sure one of them had to do with BETTERING YOURSELF. Glad to read you stopped, by the way.
#3: Why shouldn't trans fat be illegal? I never came out and said it should happen, but it's not exactly a bad idea being that it is proven to lead to fat. Let's face facts, fat leads nowhere. It slows you down, makes you unhealthy...the list goes on.
#4. I never called for a government mandate on EVERYTHING, I merely say there should remain a legalization on the stupid things, like marijuana, prostitution, amongst others.
#5: Your insults on a blog forum? Just petty.
Now try and have a nice Valentines Day.
N0, I quit smoking because i never have time. I am too busy for that kind of recreation. quit for the same reason I don't play community baseball or watch TV. Trans fats cant make you fat if you don't eat them. So instead of spending the money to regulate them we spend money educating people. As far as you joining the military ... sorry, you made a poor career choice. If you volunteered when we needed you, like if America was under attack, or in WWII my respect would be infinite. Fact is, you made a decision to join and now its selfish to want people to treat you like your a some God. Not gunna happen. If this blog is so awful and desolate why do you get on here and spend hours being contrary and attacking every post. And if you think its n insult to be called a fascist, statist, communist, or a socialist, DONT BE ONE. if you are going to have these beliefs and express them publicly, at least own them and take on the label. I an a Libertarian but you dont see me getting mad when people call me on and saying "NO I AM A DEMOCRAT". If you dont like being called a fascist or a socialist, look these words up, realize you are one, then CHANGE. Otherwise move to Cuba. You would love it there. Or China, they kill you for Opium and the government regulates EVERYTHING. Until then, read a blog that wants the government to be a nanny from cradle to grave. I am sure Al Franken will be happy to have you. Read a blog that does nothing but kisses the ass of anyone in a national guard uniform. At least some people have the conviction to take their career on full time. By the way, bread make you fat, should that be illegal? Cheese makes you fat, should that be illegal? SUMO WRESTLERS GET TO 400 LBS on RICE, are you going to make rice illegal too. I know, we can have government prepared and portioned meals sent to you home everyday like a big ole FDA nutra-system. Or maybe we move on to those ration cards you socialists love so much. I think i will stick with good ole southern American food and practice that moderation my mother taught me.
ReplyDeleteOk, I think that's enough. this has gone from the useful exchange of information and opinion to silliness. There's a reason i don't have forums on this blog. i don't want to listen to you people bicker. How about any of you do some research and show that our opinions have actual basis in fact not just the random biases that we all develop over time.