From the very beginning of American politics, there have been families to make politics their family business. Our second president, John Adams, would see his son reach the presidency. Then, of course, there are the Eisenhowers, Kennedys, Clintons and Bushes. Now the Pauls?!? Anyone who pays any attention to American politics or who watched the republican debates and results from our last election will know, Dr. Ron Paul has become an icon in libertarian and conservative circles. Dr. Paul was laughed at by republican candidates such as Rudy Giuliani until he won debate after debate, and finished ahead of candidates like Giuliani state after state. Those in power began to fear Paul and kept him out of the later debates. Dr. Ron Paul has been a mainstay of Texas' 14th and 22rd Districts since 1976. Holding seats from both districts in the US congress. Now, Rand Paul, the son of the great Dr. Ron Paul is considering throwing his hat into the ring of the 2010 senate race from the state of KY.
Dr. Randall "Rand" Paul is an eye surgeon in Bowling Green KY and has been raised learning the ways of Ludwig von Mises and John Locke from his father. He would be the most liberty oriented senator since another member of a famous family, Robert Taft. While i would lovet o see Rand move toward an executive position, having 2 Pauls in the US congress would be a huge step toward returning liberty to the US. The power the Pauliticians could give to the modern libertarian revolution is immeasurable. The power and dedication of the Ron paul supporters would be a very powerful ally for a Rand Paul campaign. Already, the internet is abuzz with planning and preparation for the possible Paul Senate run. Rand Paul has rousing speaking style and a depth of knowledge with which no candidate could compete.
As a Kentuckian, nothing would make me prouder than to see a liberty lover elected from out state to the US congress. Well, except maybe for one to be elected Governer or President. I am pleased to be able to say i will be volunteering and supporting Paul on 2010.
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