Today, I think I will give short run on what i think of the Obama administration thus far. Right off the bat Obama capped salaries for his top advisers. Good move! Then he signed an executive order to close Gitmo. Great! He changed the tone of the administration to the ideas of conservation in things like what constitutes a stream. WHOO HOO! Then he said we have to push though this stimulus. Okay, in the immortal words of Meatloaf, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Then Obama says we have to push through all these bailouts. At least he wants accountability for the money. That one is kind of a wash but more on the negative side. With this sampling Obama gets about a 45%. Not that good. But, as a sociologist I understand this sample is far too small to get a reliable result. That is the glory of being a political blogger, facts don't matter! If you don't believe me, ask Bill O'Reilly. I say Obama is running at about 60% positive so far. I don't expect that number to hold out. This is in line with his current approval rating of about 68%. Hey Obama, look on the bright side, Bush left office at 25%. Oh well, Maybe he will at least loosen pot laws. yea right! To all those like my friends at the New Hampshire Coilition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy who though Obama would be softer on the green stuff, sorry, no go. Obama nipped this question in the bud before he even took the oath. check out that story here.
Obama already started breaking promises. He signed his first bill without 5 days of public debate. If you remember he said, "will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days." Obama is already acting like a typical Dem too. You know, no basic understanding of economics. He is working on extending the unemployment insurance and cutting taxes on those benefits. You can track what promises Obama keeps and breaks on the Obameter here. So, spend more while bringing in less? So, thats how you get out of debt. Wow, the answer was right there all along. i changed my mind i give Obama a negative 4%. Okay, that's enough snark for one day.
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