Gamers are better citizens.
The games make people adapt to a very diverse climate, interacting with people from all over the world in different regions and countries with very different ideals and beliefs and research is showing that is making them, for lack of a better term, better people.
Here is an article analyzing one such research area:
She continues on to say:
“Her work included analysis of message boards where World of Warcraft players get together. She found 86 percent of the talk was "productive," featuring very detailed questions and serious discussion, with players exchanging ideas and making counter-arguments using data and reasoning and building on each others' ideas.”
But that’s not all, just read about the civic flexibility the players showed:
“She found that 65 percent of the discussion was "evaluative" vs. 30 percent "absolutist" -- "My idea is right and not open to discussion" -- and 5 percent "relative" -- it's just opinion and no one is right.
In contrast, she said studies have found that the
Those figures are incredibly statistically significant, people in games actively debate over 4 times as often as those in the
You have to wonder how games are really opening the eyes to the fact that there is no “right way” of doing things.
Maybe the people labeling gamers as outcasts should take a lesson from the open-minded.
It helps, too, that gaming is becoming more mainstream...