Friday, April 17, 2009

Maybe I Should Get Texans A Dictionary

A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Now, if you want to argue that Obama on a political spectrum is further towards Socialism than any previous president in recent memory, you may make that argument - and I would whole-heartedly agree with you.

I fully agree that many of his policies have us heading to a Zimbabwe state of hyper-inflation, but still, we are not even close to socialism. Denmark and Norway are both closer to Socialism than we are.

I keep seeing these signs at the Texas rallys for secession that say things like "Obamanomics is Fascism", "Obama is socialism with a smiley face", and the such. Please, just stop. You are making yourself look dumb.

If you want to say you disagree with Obama's socialist policies, then go ahead and state so. I voted for him and I don't agree with some of them also. However, you are hurting your cause even more by proving just how ignorant and stupid you really are by trying to sensationalize.

All I'll say on Texas's secession is that, if the majority of the state wants to use Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter as role models: Feel free to get the hell out of my country, we'd be better off without you.


  1. Now we are back to politics! And a decent post to boot!

    I am for Godless Liberal on this. I too voted for Obama and don't agree with everything he is doing, but respect the reason why he sets to do them. And if Texas hates it and wants to declare treason and separate from the Union, well...
    As some may now may time in the military is complete, all 6 years of it, but i will gladly re-enlist into the Army to take on Texas in a civil War.


  2. Texas needs to read a history book. Last time someone tried that it didn't work out so well, and they had several states beside just one. Them succeeding would just be shameful.
