Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Problem With Government Globalization

I would like to come out and make a statement: I like global government.  I like it a lot.  I think that a centralized government could bring about a new pax romana.  I think that with technology and communication where they are now, in ten or fifteen years border lines are going to be practically nonexistent.  Business has been working for years to fudge the lines and people are starting to come along.

That being said, there is a problem with global government as it stands right now.  We have an international legislature.  The United Nations does a wonderful job of being a bigger version of the United States Congress.  They talk a lot and they come out with a lot of statements.  The difference is that Congress actually has some form of power.  The United Nations has been balked at by nations such as Iran and North Korea.  The rules of the body have allowed Russia and China, and much to the chagrin of this blog the United States, to single-handedly prevent any meaningful action.  Even if the group were going to pass an important law that would either guarantee rights in nations that don't have them or block the rights of some nations that have broken the rules of the Geneva Conventions, they don't have the authority or the power to impose these rules.  I'd enjoy hearing that the UN imposed a sanction on the United States for invading not one, but two, foreign nations illegally and broke several human rights laws in the imprisonment of individuals at Guantanamo Bay.  Or the same for Israel in their latest invasion of the Gaza Strip.  It would also be great if the UN would tickled this new issue of piracy.  or old issue of piracy.  Or whatever.  But they won't.  yes I know that the last few sentences were not properly punctuated and i dont care.  there:  see what i think of your punctuation*  tee hee.

There is also an international court.  They face the same problem as the legislature.  The International Criminal Court has tried in recent months to try such major criminals as the President of the Sudan, whose list of crimes is too long for me to desire to reasearch.  A few problems.  Under what authority is this court imposing its verdict?  Where are they going to fulfill the sentence of the court?  Who is going to force the President of Sudan, for example, to show up for his trial?  Should the President find that his trial was unfair or mishandled, where will he appeal the decision?  Who picks the judges?  Like I said, this group is a great idea but it wasn't planned for long term legitimacy.  Much like any act of our new Congress, it seems that the appearance of doing something is more important than actually accomplishing something.

There is no international executive person or body and there is no measure currently in existence to enforece the laws, which is the purpose of any executive.  Until there is an executive person or body in place that is supported, at the very least, by all of the members of the United Nations, neither the legislative nor the judicial bodies can have any real power.

Now, to make libertyhound happy, let me say why I'm glad the system doesn't work.  I am glad that the international system doesn't work because the world isn't ready for it.  Right now each country has too many personal problems to be able to function properly in a larger group.  Especially in the United States people need to remember the phrase, "To thine own self be true."  One of the reasons that the authors of this blog are so displeased is that we have one vision of the direction of this country in mind and the current leadership seems to have another.  It's not even about single acts of Congress or decisions of the Supreme Court.  It's about the state of mind.  Right now there is a large portion of the country that wants the government to be God and there is a large portion that doesn't.  I don't want to talk to the large group that doesn't think about the government becaue they don't read my blog.  HAHA.

Until we have a serious discussion in this country about what the PURPOSE of the government should be we can't even begin to have a discussion about what the actions of the government ARE.  Every individual has to go through this at some point.  I went through it fairly early I think, so I should be avoiding a midlife crisis.  Our country has hit its midlife crisis and we need to stop buying the proverbial sports car with endless spending on healthcare.

I'd like to ask each of you to respond to this post by telling the Road what your main issue is.  If you had to pick one issue in the pantheon then what would it be?  Let us know.  We're not going to start writing about what you want to hear about to pander for readers.  I've been writing on this blog for almost a year and have seen readers come and go.  I didn't pick authors based on their following.  I picked authors because I knew that they would improve the quality of the discussion for my few readers.  As we continue to try to spur the conversation about the purpose of government in this country, please take our points and use them in conversation.  If you don't agree with us, please tell your friends what you don't agree with.  I have said a lot of things in the last few months that have ended up being true.  I am going to try to continue this pattern of accuracy and hopefully open my own psychic hotline.  Not really but admit that you laughed.


  1. The issue I'd say is most important.
    The individual.
    as a number two, I guess, I'd say the use of RealPolitik in a modern world.

  2. A globalized government? I could call you the anti-Christ right now, but isn't he supposed to be a handsome gentleman? Just kidding.
    But seriously, I agree with you on a lot of points and disagree with an equal amount. I very much disagree with you though on a global government, though. I believe that if the world was "perfect", then it would work fine. But, it's not and as you noted the world as a whole can be very ignorant of its surrounding and only bear to mind what only affects a small portion of what is around them.

    You can take this as you please, some won't even take me seriously as I say it, but I have always thought (much like other sci-fi enthusiasts) that right around the time human begin interstellar and extrasolar colonization, that's about the time when people will get their proverbial heads out of their anus and see the big picture of not just themselves, but humanity as a whole.

    But it'll take us traveling to space en mass before that happens.
