Wednesday, December 24, 2008
In the Good Old Days
Skip ahead to their reactions to crisis. When the stock market fell to hell on Black Tuesday, Herbert Hoover said that the economy would correct itself and wanted to let the free market do its thing. When George W. Bush saw the stock market implode after September 11, 2001, he sent troops without going to war. If he would have gone to war he could have mobilized the entire economy towards the war effort like every other president has in war time so that the economy would improve during the fighting, but Georgey wouldn't know that because he's dumb. Then, seven years later, when the economy had gotten even worse, he decided to print $700 billion dollars and give it away because he doesn't know how inflation, exchange rates, or the basic principles of supply and demand work.
George W. Bush would be lucky to be remembered even close to Herbert Hoover because most people credit Herbert Hoover with getting stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. George is just stupid.
Silence is golden
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Who Plays What?
Look Who's Talking
When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe .
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..'
I received an email with the above-listed quotes. I thought about using them in different blogs, but then I thought, "Why not just post them?" Here is the game. Guess who said them. You have heard similar sayings out of many, including both of the authors of this blog. You might be surprised who said these things. The answer will be posted on Tuesday, December 9th.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Nuclear Winter?
Now North Korea is saying that they are going to turn their nuclear reactor back on. Experts agree that the main purpose for this maneuver is to try and show the United States that they won't be pushed around by any one country. Pyongyang wants to maintain the six country talks but not submit to unilateral pressure. That makes complete sense. We, most of all, should understand this. While we won't bend to the desires of Russia or Iran, we will listen to NATO or the UN. Nobody wants to be bullied.
It makes sense for us to be worried about any other nation to gain nuclear armaments. It also makes sense for other nations to be wary of our current ownership of such. What right do we have to be the sole owner of these weapons? Who gave us permission? Did we ask? Do we have to? The answers are none, nobody, no, and no. The answers for any current non-nuclear nation is sovereignty, nobody, no, and no. If a sovereign nation wants to make nuclear weapons than they can, because they are sovereign. Look up the word and realize that that means the United States cannot dictate terms to anyone else.
Notice also that North Korea is perfectly willing to do without American aid and doesn't mind being on the blacklist of terror-supporting nations. They don't need our help and don't recognize our list as anything with power. Good for them. Maybe if more countries acted this way we would stop being imperialist. I have a feeling that this won't be the last we hear about nuclear weapons because of the first pararaph of this blog. Get settled in for a long nuclear winter.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Aw, Cheese and Rice
Anyway... back to the news. Apparently it is in the Kentucky Department of Homeland Security charter that they have to officially thank God for his help in maintaining the security of the Commonwealth. I have a few questions. Whose God? Even after you pick a religion, there are several different interpretations of the deity in each. So after whose god, which of their gods? Let's just go with the Christian Southern Baptist Male Father God. If the government thanks Him for His divine intervention, does that mean that the government is both supporting the belief in and invoking the name of one deity of another? I'll make it easy, yes. That breaks with the founding fathers' desire to prevent state-sponsored religion.
This country wasn't started by a bunch of Christians who wanted to get away. That's what started the colonies, sure, but they were British Christians. When we became Americans we wanted to prevent another Anglican Church and therefore allowed citizens to practice if and how they wanted and also kept it out of the government. Money says, "In God We Trust" because many of the founding fathers were deists who believed in the existence of a supreme power, but didn't label it or persecute others.
Sorry, I got off on a tangent. It comes from my actual study of American history. It is not for the government to pray for the protection of any deity. Members of the government are free to do as they please and religious organizations are formed for that very purpose. God and government do not go together like peanut butter and chocolate. God, I mean any non-specific deity, is good and government, I mean any non-specific ruling body, is not. Worshipers of gods may not be good and members of governments may be good, but that is a reflection of the duality in humanity not the nature of the groups they are in. Basically, keep your god out of my government and I'll keep my government out of your god. That's how Thomas Jefferson and a few others wanted it anyway.
Russo Sino Presto Chango
The farthest we should go when it comes to international policy is maintaining membership in the UN to make sure that our domestic policies are protected. The Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Truman Doctrine, Bush Doctrine, and our membership in NATO should be discontinued. Libertyhound does not agree with UN membership, but I think that we should support a global government (hence the moniker Leviathan, it was a book). I realize that sometimes this country doesn't treat other countries fairly or properly and there should be someone to, at the very least, slap our wrist to let us know we did wrong. Please refer to the last blog I wrote about how the World Court should shine an eye on us also.
We should treat Russia, China, Georgia, Taiwan, and any other country the same: leave them alone. If Teddy Roosevelt did one thing right, it was Big Stick Diplomacy. We should let everyone know that we are powerful enough not to be messed with, but not actually hit anybody with our stick. Sticks break, wars last longer than they are supposed to, and WMDs disappear.
The Politics of Justice?
The International Criminal Court shouldn't be concerned with the politics of nations. However, realizing that no system can ever be implemented perfectly, I'm not going to go into that argument. I also recognize that the ICC is a part of the World Court, which is a subsection of the UN, and therefore any of its actions can greatly impact the dealings of any of the member nations of the UN. The World Court has to be even more careful not to come to a quick judgment than the US Supreme Court. I think that the ICC needs to follow some advice I got when I was running for office: Either be completely clean or completely dirty.
What I mean by that is that the court can go one of two ways. If the court wants to make sure that no decision it makes ever disturbs any nation's political institutions ever, then that's fine, it can make nominal convictions and nobody will ever really care about the international court. If the court wants to make convictions of real meaning so that even governments know hat nobody is above the rule of law and that justice is universal, then they will have to start muddying the water a little bit.
The author of this article mentions George W. Bush a little bit. The court is well within its charter to investigate whether or not the United States government acted legally and if not prosecute it. They should also look into whether or not Putin and the Russian government and Saakashvili and the Georgian government acted legally last August. How about the civil wing of the World Court look into international corporation tactics and see if they are acting legally also. Just some ideas. But this line of action would piss off a lot of people and upset a lot of current political and business practices.
I guess the title should have been politics or justice...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Get 'em While You Can
Here is a thought. ANY GUN BAN IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I believe in militias, armed citizens, and guns for everybody. Most of these laws are no longer even argued as being for crime reduction because there is a complete lack of evidence. Violent crime goes up when gun laws go into place. Obama and his socialist friend Nancy Pelosi will quickly push for gun restrictions that ban certain types of guns. Most of the differences in "assault rifles" and hunting rifles are cosmetic. These bans do nothing but raise gun prices, which leads to more crime, and it makes it harder for honest citizens to protect themselves. Everyone go out and buy an AK-47, blast out a few rounds at the range, then shoot any hunting rifle off the Wal-Mart shelf and tell me there is a huge difference. We all must start the work now of protecting our rights. Freedom is a constant battle against those who would take it away. unfortunately that is the federal government in this country. If you want to read a bit more about gun rights read this.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Coup Ne Pas
With that President-elect Obama let the press know that even though he was elected on a basically anti-Bush platform, he respects the administration and does not intend to try to do anything presidential until he is actually president.
The speech was decent, but I thought the question and answer segment was the most interesting part of the article.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I am gunna get married and become a Christian
Wood Not Linked to Fire
This blog is a joke, but the title is the actual title of the news article out of Australia; it's linked, read it and see.
A Good Example
Sex for Jesus
Slipping into Socialism
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Oceans of Eleven
New Writer
I will continue to write mainly about news articles that I read, and if any of you want to get a copy of my subscription list, just ask for it. I will also continue to share articles that I think are worth reading but not really needing of comment. I'm hoping that this change won't alienate my current readers, but rather increase the reader base and improve the political conversation in our country.
7 Steps To a Better America
In order to get our nation back on track there are sacrifices that must be made. ONE OF THEM IS NOT FREEDOM. If we make these changes we will see more prosperity and security than can ever be desired. WE MUST:
1. End the income tax. We must end slavery in America and choke out the spending power of the federal government.
2. Bring home our troops. Not only from Iraq, Iran and Syria but from all the 130 nations where they are currently exploited.
3. End the war on drugs. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR SMOKING POT?!?! In order to be free people we must own our own bodies. I have to have the ability to abuse and poison my body to be free. Government intervention in this issue does nothing but take away your freedom and exacerbate the drug problem.
4. End social welfare. Jesus died for preaching that we should love and help each other, especially the poor. Now, we have given that responsibility away to the government and they are doing a terrible job. Welfare programs do nothing but breed crime and ignorance. If kids are working they aren't joining gangs.
5. We must never again interfere in other nations' issues. When we give large amounts of military and economic aid to other nations we hurt them far more help them. We destroy their economies and enter into entangling alliances that have never worked for us in the past.
6. We must end fiat money. We need commodity based currency so that we aren't destroyed by inflation. Currently the dollar trades internationally at record lows. This raises the price of all imported goods. Currently gas prices are so high because we have oil barons running the country and it takes far more dollars to pay the same cost internationally. If the value of the dollar is high it takes less dollars to buy oil from foreign countries and the price domestically drops.
7. Stop Public Education. When schools have to compete, educational values go up. Since the federal government put its filthy hands in the education of our children, The quality of education in this country has dropped significantly. Those who make it to college these days will see that people are functionally illiterate at best. Public education is no longer about educating the children and has become about teaching a test and portfolio so that schools can get a bigger budget and more sports arenas.
WE THE PEOPLE must stand united to fight the eternal fight for freedom. Prosperity will follow as a natural effect of liberty. Look at history. When we traded freely with all nations and kept our military here for defense our nation became a superpower. Now that the government has its hand in every aspect of society, we cannot even pay our bills and we have great enemies that threaten us at every turn. It would be great if government could make everything perfect, but we all know this isn't the case. We must take care of our own to keep Uncle Sam out of our lives and pockets.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Somebody Call Christopher Walken
Irony Anyone?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Racial Junction
I think the guy has a good point but I don't really like how he says it. I do like that one line though. Classic.
Three Months?
Slow Your Roll
By having those five basic parties people can become more closely aligned to other members of their party. Right now I am a registered Democrat and I am grouped in with a lot of big governmment nuts. (You're not really nuts) I would convert to the Libertarian Party but third party members don't get elected right now. I think the United States and Britain are the only democracies in the world with two parties. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Knock It Out
An Answer to the Call
Fareed Zakaria wrote this one.
Please read them both, they don't really need a comment from me. In the new light of my recent election loss, I would like to say that I intend to do as Obama has asked me and everyone else to do. I am going to continue to try to make change and help others and make a better place for those that are coming after me. Just because I am not one of the people in official power doesn't meant that I am not a person in actual power. I have gotten the attention of the Pikeville establishment and I have 664 people who think that I know what I'm talking about. It all starts in the cities and moves up to the nation and I will do my part to help. Will you?
An Exception
How dumb is this lady? Hillary Clinton is more qualified than any Bush Secretary except Condaleeza Rice and is more than capable of taking any cabinet post except Secretary of Defense (in my opinion).
Secretary of Health and Human Services... does anyone remember that whole healthcare plan that everyone loved Hillary for.
Secretary of State... she does know a lot of foreign heads of state and she was hanging around her husband an awful lot on those overseas trips.
Secretary of Education... who doesn't like helping kids learn how to read good. Even if the building is barely big enough for ants. Thanks, Derek.
Those are the three I think she'd be really good at, but she certainly has the intelligence and ability to be able to give Barack good advice in any of the others. A cabinet post is always better than a cupboard stub.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Blues
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Plagued by Whiners
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Tao of Toctrine
Class Tech?
They're People... and They Have No Homes
The Georgia Supreme Court has said that part of the sex offender law that says that sex offenders have to register their address is unconstitutional because it is unfar to homeless people. Apparently, sex offenders started becoming homeless and since they didn't have a home to register they were getting arrested for breaking the sex offender law. I'm glad someone is making sure that all Americans' (except the fur-ih-ners) rights are being protected.
This brings me to my favorite line from Dirty Work: You know how I feel about the homeless, they're people and they have no homes.
Friday, October 10, 2008
When Unstable Markets Meet Unstable Nukes

I'm not even really going to try to go into great detail about their problems, I'm just going to try to list them. The Taliban is gathering increasing strength in the northern hills. India just signed a nuclear trade deal with us, which puts two enemies on the United States' ally table. Pakistan's relations with us are becoming more and more strained. The last president was kicked out and the newest one is the widower of the assassinated lead candidate. The United States is continually invading their territory to hunt down terrorists. Now there is no money. Power outages are wide spread. Why do they scare me more than Iran, Syria, North Korea (not Middle Eastern but scary anyway), Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, the other Stans? Because they have nukes. Not in the way that Iran almost might have the technology to start thinking about nukes. They have nukes, in the current sense. They have a new government that is on very thin ice. Not in the way that Kim Jong Il is crazy and we don't know how to deal with him. There is no way of knowing if their government will exist in a year, in the junta sense. I am far more frightened of practiced terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weaponry in Pakistan than I am with any other situation in the Middle East. I'll bet India and Afghanistan and Saudia Arabia are too.
What is It Good For?
No Company Left Behind
Bad Economy
I have asked people to pay attention to something for even a sentence before and that much concentration was painful. To think about trying to maintain a single stream of conciousness for a couple hours is almost beyond society's grasp. Can we stop this? Sure, we could. Will we? I don't know, what's on another channel?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Photosynthetic Oil
Dirty Money
Tee hee! Seriously though, jerks, leave me alone. I snack just fine.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Why Can't I get Paternity Leave?
If I recall correctly the purpose of the women's rights movement was equal treatment. Well, I'd like to be treated equally sometimes, too.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
And the Fight Was On...
I don't think these guys have any idea what debating is. They keep talking to the moderator. The keep talking to the camera. What happened to a good old-fashioned fight? If I was one of those guys, I would call him out on every incorrect statement he puts out. How come Barack Obama doesn't bring up the $10 billion in spending every month in Iraq? 18 Billion in a year or in three years is nothing compared to the defense budget. This might be why they don't let me debate...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Anywho, back to the news. A bishop said that people shouldn't get married in churches until after hey have the civil ceremony to take care of the legal business. I agree because I think that there needs to be a strong separation of church and state. I fully intend to be married in a church, but if I have to go to the courthouse first, that's fine with me. Two benefits: the government won't be considering a constitutional amendment limiting the pursuit of happiness and churches won't have anything to do with legally binding contracts. Just a thought.
Do You Know Jack?
I don't think I have ever heard David Letterman be angry before. I think it is so cute when old people get bitter and sardonic. It makes me happy inside that David Letterman was giving John McCain a chance to come on the show and talk about himself and when blown off Dave says, "Screw this guy!"
McCain, by the way, was talking to Katie Couric (He likes younger attractive women doesn't he? I guess we could ask his ex-wife).
When the Cover is Funnier than the Cover it's Covering
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My Kind of Segment
One of the many things I love about this segment is that it combines international politics with movie clips. Priceless. Also the comment about flowers is rather catchy. Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Randy Newman-ia
I know I say a lot of things, especially not on this blog, that go against the leadership of this country. I know I think a lot of things about how it could probably be done differently. This song really spoke to me and made me feel a little bit happier about being American. I hope you feel the same way too.
Blog with No Name
I really liked this video. I love this chick's voice. And the song by Randy Newman is both funny and poignant.
And really, I mean really. I got this in an email and I thought it was hilarious.

Monday, September 22, 2008
If I Did It
Friday, September 19, 2008
Queens, Kings, and Prime Ministers
Tony Blair is spot on. He does a really good job of explaining his decision-making process and beliefs in world affairs. The reason I made sure I posted the whole episode is because John Stewart does a better job of explaining that the world is far more complicated than Blair allows for and that the current course of action should never have been pursued.
I really can't say anything about Sarah Palin because once I get started it will be like Theo just told me he got a girl pregnant (uh-koo-koo-kajoo). I just hope she realizes that while Miss America gets a crown and rules supreme over... something for one year until someone younger and better-looking comes along, the President does not get a crown (the role was designed to be the opposite of a King) and usually age and looks don't have anything to do with the political process. I think her campaign manager should get her that memo. Aside from looks and youth, she really doesn't have anything to qualify her to be Vice President, except maybe an ability to lie to her electorate, steal from Congress, and make the media feel bad for questioning her leadership. Maybe she did get the memo from her campaign manager...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Humpdy Dumpdy is King of the NYSE
Something About Us - Cover of Daft Punk
This video starts out decently, but it isn't anything special. I don't want to ruin the surprise, but watch the whole thing, it's pretty cool.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Martyrs on Both Sides
Thank you. I'm just going to talk about the attacks on the Danes since 2005 when they created the Mohammad cartoons. There are cartoons about Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Joseph Smith but for some reason it's not cool to have a cartoon about the Prophet Mohammad. I understand that their religion says that there shouldn't be any depiction of the person, but I also understand that not everyone in the world is Muslim. And while I also appreciate that not everyone has grown up with the concept of the freedom of speech, I'm Amero-centrist leave me alone.
Now to the real point of the article. During the French, English, and American Revolutions (I know ours was really a war of independence, but I'm going with popular titles to maintain a theme) people fought and died struggling to maintain what they believed to be a God-given right to express whatever they felt without persecution. While most people think that this means no governmental persecution, it actually means no persecution from any source. That's a point that a lot of Americans miss but I'm not going there right now.
I want to know why people now don't feel like it is their duty, and governments don't think it is their right, to die for what they believe in anymore. If Dutch publishers want to put cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad, fully recognizing that there will be repercussions, then they should be allowed to. Why is religion the only cause worth dying for? Why is Islam the only side that has martyrs in this fight?
When the people of the world tell terrorists that they aren't afraid of their antics, then suicide bombers stop being martyrs and become something much easier to deal with: criminals.
Look Who's Talking Now
Monday, September 15, 2008
We're Talking about Cuba Again?
The reason that this is a moot point is that we aren't the only interested parties. I'm not going to discuss all the changes possible if Barack is elected because 'everyone' agrees that change will occur. If John is elected we could see the most important events in foreign policy since the Fall of '62. McCain will not change the policy towards Cuba but Cuba is far different than it used to be. Raul is not his brother and we have yet to see exactly what that means for the island nation but we will see objective identifiable change in the coming months. McCain is also ramping up his oral belligerence towards Russia. I seem to recall Russia being a major ally of Cuba. Since we have already signed up to put a missile defense system in Poland, it wouldn't surprise me greatly if McCain sees missile installments get put in Cuba. Russia can say that they are using the installments as purely defensive in nature and that they are aimed at Central America or northern parts of South America. It worked for us in Poland. If McCain is elected then I foresee Cuba becoming an even bigger supporter of Russia and Communism as well as a bigger antagonist towards the US. If Obama is elected it could go either way depending on which way he wants to go and how well he enacts it and how well it is received.
If we are at all interested in not seeing Russian missiles within range of the entire South and D.C. then we need to proactively remove the trade barrier set up around Cuba. We need to open serious discussions to improve relations between the US and Cuba. We need to address our immigration policy to allow for a new flow of immigrants and also deal with the illegal ons we have now. We need to Work to bring Cuba into NATO before Georgia or the Ukraine, since that move would annoy Russia but not seriously threaten it. We need to dump our pride at our border and remember that we aren't the only country in the world.
Call Now to Get Your Own Loan Giant for Ten Easy Payments of 10 Million Dollars
While 9% doesn't sound like very much, it is one in eleven. Do you know eleven people who are in the process of paying a mortgage? Just think that one of them lost their home before June. On the scale of 44 million people paying mortgages that's massive.
I think it is nice that the columnist says that the market can't fix itself as an excuse for the government to create further regulations to protect consumers from bad business. However, it is not completely true. It would not be pretty to watch most of the home loan companies sink into the ground and millions more lose their homes. It would not be enjoyable to see property values plummet for those fortunate few who already own their home or survive the crash. After the smoke cleared though, the country would still be here. The economy would still be here. The people will still be here. Maybe a good Depression is what we need to fix some of the social ails of the nation. The first generation after the Great Depression is called the Golden Generation, after all.
The great thing about free markets is that while it isn't always pretty or enjoyable it does always work. After a while there would be no home loan companies left, there would be terribly low property values, and there would be a lot of empty houses. Sounds horrible right? Well maybe in that situation someone like me, a white-collar worker who makes more than minimum wage but not so much that buying a house is a plausible goal, might actually be able to afford a house to build a future in. Maybe the next time that millions of people want to buy houses they will know better than to sign any paper that a bank puts in front of them on a house they can't actually afford. Maybe people will learn what some of us have always known: a house is not a right, it is earned through hard work and frugality.
What is the Deal with Vista?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Goldilocks is Ukranian?
Lipstick on Pig Good for Book Sales
Read the story and watch the video, they don't really have anything to do with each other except that they both reference the book 1984. I think the author of the article brings up quite a few good points so I wanted to give it more notice than just sharing it.
Where's Paris
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Just Don't Know How to Quit You
No Party For Old Men

John McCain doesn't want Democrats to control the White House and Congress. He hasn't even started talking about picking Justices for the Supreme Court. I can't imagine a world where one party controls all three branches of government. Unless you consider 2000-2006...
But we're not talking about the Republicans, we're talking about Democrats. I happened across an article that showed the number of years each president had Congress with him. It seems that there is a correlation between the number of years that a president's party had control of Congress and how well liked that president is. Since a president can get more done with a strong Congress behind him, it would make sense that usually people would like him; or really hate him...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Women Cooking? Really?
Can You Believe It?
A Bear of a Blog
To begin, America is losing a lot of face with the conflict in Iraq and the semi-depression of the summer. On July 3, President Medvedev of Russia spoke about a conversation he had with Henry Paulson Jr. (our Secretary of the Treasury) and said that the United States 'had other things to worry about' than complaining about Russia's apparent lack of human rights and democracy. This began a string of articles that popped to my attention throughout the summer. In Al-Ahram, a weekly journal out of Egypt similar to Time, there was an article about the diplomacy methods of Joeseph Nye. The thesis raised by this former US assistant secretary of defence and former dean of Harvard University's John Kennedy School of Government is that there is a difference between hard power and soft power, both of those being terms he coined. Hard power is monetary and military force imposed on others and soft power is influencing and inviting others to join a movement or cause, perhaps for monetary or military gain.
Then it happened, on August 8 Russia invaded South Ossetia. Forbes wrote that Russia was showing that Georgia was not a safe point for oil and natural gas. Far more importantly, however, is that Russia showed that it can attack wherever it wants whenever it wants and there isn't much that anybody can do about it. If Nixon knew anything, it's that the only way to fight a nuclear power is with nuclear weapons. That's why Nixon didn't fight Russia. He also didn't use words like terror to describe Russia.
I don't know when everyone boarded the train of forgetfulness, but apparently everyone forgot that in most countries that have Prime Ministers the Prime Minister has most, if not all, of the power. All of a sudden Forbes reported that Putin showed who has the real power in Russia. You don't say. Leader of the only political party, former President, current Prime Minister, former KGB member, the guy who picked the current President, that Vladamir Putin? He has all the power in Russia? I wouldn't have guessed... oh wait, yes I did. Back when I read this article about Putin being the Prime Minister of the Russia-Belarus Alliance. I, in fact, can be quoted by my former room mate, Cecil Hatfield, as saying that if I were Putin I would attack Georgia in my quest to take back the old Soviet Union. That was six weeks before the attack. I know I'm not the smartest guy in the world so I couldn't possibly be the only person that thought of that. I didn't even know that Georgia had oil and gas lines.
Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., said that Russia needed to stop Russia's campaign of "targeting of civilians and campaign of terror as well as its destruction of in Georgia's infrastructure." Strong words from a strong man, Captain Insano. That's a quote from The Waterboy. Captain Insano in this particular case is George Bush speaking through his mouthpiece to the UN. This ties in with the first point of this rant, that the United States is hardly in any position to tell other countries that they can't invade another nation. Especially since Russia is saying that Georgia is systematically killing off South Ossetians and Abkhazians. Where else have I heard about a nation invading a foreign land to protect the rights of its citizens and overthrow a genocidal leader? Point made.
Then came the real icing on the cake. Russia removed its troops and recognized the independent governments of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. With this move it sought to make itself look like a liberator instead of invader and a savior instead of thief. If the United States would have done this in Iraq it would have worked with perfection. Even Sweden's Foreign Minister has called this maneuver a "direct violation of international law."
So how do we move forward? Delicately, to say the least. What the United States needs to recognize is that we are in a post-Soviet era, to quote an article in the Moscow Times. We can not treat the Russians like we did in the Cold War, like many assume John McCain would, and we also can't be too soft with them, like many assume Barack Obama would. We must not try to deal with Russia single-handedly. I hope everyone reading this is sitting down. We must work with China and Iran to let Russia know that they don't have a free ticket to break the rules. This means, of course, that we must be far more friendly to China and Iran. We must return to a position where Europe is steadfast in it's approval of us. We must do more to improve our position with continents like Africa and South America, the ones that are developing and violent. We must redevelop the soft power that we had so that when we need to use hard power, like we could in the case of Russia, we can have a reliable network of support from other nations so that Russia will find itself alone and powerless, which it isn't right now.
The pressure isn't all on us, however. Many are calling for action on Russia's part. Nobody wants another Cold War, not even Vladamir Putin. It has to work more diligently and patiently with us in the light of changing administrations. It has to be more diligent in its use of the UN Security Council in preventing us from doing things it views as undesirable.
Perhaps in the future it would be better if all parties involved didn't do anything rash over something as silly as a flat tire.
Can I Slalom Through Baggage Check?
Capital Bit of Humor
Woman Hush!
A couple of brief notes:
-It is pronounced nu-kle-er not nu-kyu-ler.
-Muslims are not the only people to strap bombs to themselves.
-Being able to see the eastern coast of Russia does not provide special insight into Moscowan politics.
-Iran is a democracy also.
-The best defense is not a preemptive strike (the old saying goes the best offense is a good defense, not the other way around)
-Not all terrorists are Islamic Extremists.
-Invading allied nations that are nuclear powers is not a good idea; especially when most of the Islamic Extremists that you want to defeat so much actually come from there and are a breath away from taking over and having nukes under their control.
-Ahmedinajed does not want to give terrorists nuclear weapons, he wants to use them himself on Israel, where have you been?
Thank you and good day.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Not at the Mountaintop Yet
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Quit Talkin' 'Bout My Girl, Man
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pat Buchanan: What happens if Obama loses?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Go Home Louie, There's No Family Feud Here
This is a Rant
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Release the Hounds
And the Winner Is...
Mexican Everclear
Saturday, August 30, 2008
He's Not Crying Wolf
Friday, August 29, 2008
Who's Number One?
The reasons that people are more satisfied in Russia and China than they are here are as follows: the authoritarian societies in which they live won't allow them to be unhappy publicly, and since they were born into these authoritarian societies they are used to them. Since America is a democracy, the last 8 years of authoritarian control have been out of place, awkward, and unappreciated. They also do authoritarianism much better than we do, they've had practice. I hope they get to Carnegie Hall (another joke that's for me).
Al Gore's Invesco Field DNC speech text
I especially like how the beginning of the speech sounded like he was saying, "if you would have elected me we wouldn't be here... haha!!!" It was a proud proclamation of 'screw off and die' from a former Vice President.
Why Sarah Palin Is Likely to Belly-Flop
David Brooks: A speech to the delegates - International Herald Tribune
Barack Obama's convention address | courier-journal | The Courier-Journal
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Papa's Got a Brand New Bag
Bill: "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."
Joe: "Millions of Americans have been knocked down. And this is the time as Americans, together, we get back up. Our people are too good, our debt to our parents and grandparents too great, our obligation to our children is too sacred."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Cut of Her Jib
The First Wives Club
I Do Declare
More importantly than what has happened is what will happen. The United States will continue arguing that Russia had no right to recognize them and I don't think we'll recognize them for at least 7 or 8 years, we haven't recognized Myanmar yet and it has been called that since 1989. The new nations will be most grateful to Russia for being the first to recognize them and that will have quite a bit of influence on what kind of governmental and economic systems they put into place. To say that Putin will have no input at all is naive and that he will be the sole decider is overly pessimistic.
While Georgia has been democratic and a U.S. ally, I doubt greatly that South Ossetia and Abkhazia will be either. Perhaps we should be trying to put that missile defense shield in the Ukraine instead of Poland... not that I'm saying the Ukraine is on the list, I'm just saying that Poland has successfully prevented a takeover by Russia before.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's Our Turn
. Now not only does Russia agree with my Resolution for Iraqi Peace, but so do the Iranians and the Turks. I wonder if Joe Biden would like it...
Texas Tea Party
I don't pretend to understand half of what they were saying, someone please take more time to educate me because I'm interested. I get the basics of it though, and it sounds a lot like the way everything was traded way back in the day when people were allowed to trade on margins. My grandfather can tell you about the ails of the Great Depression, the result of such reckless abandonment of reality.
The authors do make a point that I disagree with. They say that these unfair practices are bringing down America. I take that to mean that if the trend of future speculation and oil dependency continue then our country will fall. I can not agree with that thought on any level. The oil scare of the 1970's was bad, but we survived it. The Depression of the 30's was bad, but we survived it. The slumps in our economy before and in between have been bad, but we have survived them also. This is a nation of survivors. Life may be inconvenient for a while, life may be expensive for a while, and life may seem bleak for a while but we will survive it as well.
A brief side note, it is only by weathering the storms of complete capitalism that we may evolve into socialism, just thought I'd throw that out there, before people start thinking I'm a Libertarian or Republican again.