Sunday, January 4, 2009


North Dakota has a what?  A surplus?  How'd they manage that?  I don't know but I'd like to find out... Oil?  Huh, I thought their main export was cold, but that stuff must be a hard sell... Global warming?  Meh.  Speaking of meh, it's in the dictionary now, so eat that.  One of the cool things is that the legislators want to be cautious with the surplus money because they know that hard times are coming.  That sounds like responsibility in government to me...  The governor wants to give some property tax relief, only a quarter of the surplus mind you, and even then the legislature is unsure if he can do that ince property tax is set on the local not state level.  The legislature questioning the practices of the executive?  Absurd.  I hope nobody follows the practices of North Dakota, stupid Yankees screw everything up right?

1 comment:

  1. Does this one need any comment? The story speaks for itself.
