Saturday, June 21, 2008

Girl Power

It's a shame that there aren't any women in politics, government, or business other than Hilary Clinton for girls to take lessons from. Oh yeah, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice, and Oprah (nuf said) should be able to provide plenty of leadership. The glass ceiling only reaches as high as women's hammers want to reach. I'm sorry that there is this perception that any white male can automatically assume any position of power or wealth or influence that he so desires, but it isn't that easy. I still have to bust my balls to be able to get what I want. I am tired of hearing this feminist yarn (tee hee still brought in a sewing joke) about not being able to succeed because of men and their evil penises of death. Perhaps if neo-feminists weren't so busy complaining and looking for chauvinist intent, they'd be able to get more work done.

Just for those of you who don't know me well enough, I have a lot of strong females in my life. I know that women don't get paid as much as men, and I am committed to working on that, but please, leave my ears alone. It's already part of my value system and I don't need to be indoctrinated.

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